When you want to pay off debt fast, that impulse often means depleting your savings. So how do you pay off debt AND save money?
Read MoreYou can survive the season without suffering a fiscal holiday hangover. By examining the reasons for overspending, planning how much you’ll spend, and identifying what's important to your family, you can rein in your spending and rediscover the joy of the holidays.
Read MoreAs the leaves are gone and the snow starts to fall, it's time to start thinking about your year-end money strategy. The fall and winter holidays are closer than you think. Use the following strategies to make the rest of the year count.
Read MoreUsing virtual wallets, like Google Pay, Apple Pay, or Samsung Pay, to purchase your everyday items may seem worrisome and new, at first. But there are several reasons why it is a much better alternative to using your physical card.
Read MoreSave that New Year’s resolution for something besides paying down holiday debt. With a bit of planning and saving, and a little help from the Internet, you can keep your holiday spending in check.
Read MoreAre you spending too much? For many Americans, the answer is, "Absolutely." The reasons are varied—lack of a budget or a desire to maintain appearances—but, to better manage your spending, many financial advisers recommend tracking your cash flow and monitoring your emotional state.
Read MoreSome people believe it’s safer to use a debit card as credit since they don’t have to enter their PIN. If you cover the keypad during the debit transaction and keep your card in your wallet when not in use, a debit transaction is as safe as a credit transaction.
Read MoreA healthy savings account is your best defense against life’s curve balls. But sometimes setting aside some money every paycheck isn’t enough—particularly when you’re just starting out in life.
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